I have an old audio player that mostly didnt work. AM, FM and the CD player didn't worked, but Line In audio Yes!
So, i decided to check out if it was possible to use a C.H.I.P (it has a Line out audio port) install Spotify on it and if possible, control it remotly using a web browser. Good news! It was possible and it works excellent!
So, i decided to check out if it was possible to use a C.H.I.P (it has a Line out audio port) install Spotify on it and if possible, control it remotly using a web browser. Good news! It was possible and it works excellent!
How to do it
1- First, i followed this howto: https://bbs.nextthing.co/t/howto-spotify-on-chip/17660
Just in case the post is deleted or something, here is a screenshot capture:
2- As a mopidy web client i installed Mopidy Iris: https://github.com/jaedb/Iris/wiki/Getting-started#installing
That's all!
Here a video with the result:
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